Pause&Play (, one of “the 100 greatest Web sites” as named by Entertainment Weekly has selected “American Youxia” out of the MANY Reverbnation albums that were submitted, to their notable New Releases Spotlight for the week of June 3rd. You can see the article by going to the link below.
Reverbnation Release Dates – P&P
“It’s an honor to be selected. A huge THANK YOU to Pause&Play.” ~Billie
A little more about Pause&Play: Pause & Play, owned and operated by Gerry Galipault, debuted online in October 1997 and since then has become the definitive place for CD-release dates — with a worldwide audience. Entertainment Weekly calls Pause & Play “a terrific source for album release dates.”
Billie Stevens recently created an awesome album. He is a great vocalist and a very accomplished musician. His lyrics relate to life, moving from a self-centered lament of a junkie when his girlfriend dies of a drug overdose (“What About Me”) to a wild and crazy love affair in “Back to the Grind.” Billie makes good use of riffs and both vocal and guitar hooks to bring the album to life. He has proven himself to be a truly versatile performer and a very creative artist. “American Youxia” in a very enjoyable album.